Friday 23 January 2009

真的很抱歉,两个礼拜没去上课. 不是故意放你们飞机,是真的需要时间陪陪boy boy.
希望能够在明天high tea上见面. 也希望大家能够顺顺利利,开开心心.

过完年,要忙着找工作,当然最希望能在3月前找到. 因为我真的很想再去听演唱会.
这边要向大家宣传陈绮贞的演唱会,就在4月4号, 新加坡室内体育馆举行. 记得要去支持哦!


Monday 12 January 2009

Why a person will keep feel dizzy and there is no problem for his medical check up. I am so worry about him, my boy.

He started lost appetite, lost laugh, lost energy. Always give me a "bitter" face, so pity.

Even hug also cannot appease him, he started worried.

Haiz, New Year coming soon but he is still weak.

What should I do? I am not going to school tml because I need to look after him. This is the first time he asked me to ponteng.

Hope everyone is healthy and happy forever. Happy Chinese New Year.